My friend wants to end her life.

Miua Pages
3 min readJan 8, 2023


Photo by Kalle Saarinen on Unsplash

Who would have thought that your best friend who just met you in the afternoon with a very cheerful face and always shows a humorous side, but at night she tells you that she just had the intention to end his life, she even stopped at the bridge and sent the photo to you? Fortunately, before she actually did that, she realized what she wanted to do, she told you that she is too shallow and emotional and she still has a lot of work to do in this fucking world. I was very sad to hear that and very concerned for her.

People say my friend is very strong, she has always faced problems in her life, especially financial problems. She and her sister are the backbones of the family. Recently, her family was subjected to a huge problem. The owner will eventually tear down the place they lived in for dozens of years. The family must find a new place to live. My friend and her sister worked hard to meet the primary needs of her family, but because of her sister’s condition who was pregnant, she had to bear extra.

Long story short, before she had any intention of committing suicide, she told me that she was very tired and hopeless because she felt that all this time she could not enjoy the results of her own work, let alone think about becoming rich, being able to hold the money until the end of the month without debt is grateful, she said. At that time I, who was used to hearing her say that, could only offer help “So how much more do you need? It’s okay to borrow me first if you need it, as long as you are responsible. Keep your spirits up, after this is over, you have to focus on yourself first, you deserve to be happy.” However, she didn’t answer the nominal she needed, she only replied “Thank you, you have really helped me all this time.” Maybe what I said at that time sounded really bad and it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. I’m really sorry for that. I feel like I’m not a good enough friend for her.

At that time I didn’t even have the slightest thought that she had any intention of committing suicide, as far as I know, my friend is indeed a very strong person, a very open-minded and religious person, that’s why I was very shocked when she told me that she had wanted to end her life, until the end, she is very strong, she still remembers the responsibilities she has to complete. She was really strong, she even said to me “Who will support my family when I die?” damn! This hit me! She’s too young to have all those pains. Before going to the bridge where she wanted to end her life, she also had time to visit prostitution places and slum housing, she said to be grateful because she was still given a job and a decent place to live. In my opinion, she is a very wise person, it was fate that made her have to go through it all.

Well, we don’t know the real expression of the person they want to show to the world, maybe what they show is their happy face while their heart and soul are very fragile, maybe they are always making jokes, even though in reality they are laughing at their downturn, maybe what they are showing is their gloomy face, because the days are filled with hard work and think hard to survive. This incident really opened my eyes to care more about their condition and mentality, especially my friend. I’m really relieved my best friend didn’t decide to end her life, she is really a strong and wise person. I’m fortunate to have a friend like her.

I hope those who are at a low point in their life find light as soon as possible, so they can survive and continue their life happily. And thank you for still alive.

