2023 Resolution! Maybe…

Miua Pages
4 min readJan 21, 2023


I know it’s too late, cause January will end soon, and btw Happy Lunar New Year to you who celebrate! Xi Nian Kua Lai!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

This year I asked not to be grandiose. I don’t ask for luxury homes, a lot of investments, going to umrah, or bombastic things that are impossible to achieve in one year unless there is a miracle from the Almighty, who will refuse? hehe

“Don’t make a resolution that isn’t achievable. Resolutions also have to be reasonable, and of course according to our budget and capabilities” — Kak Firda

The point is this year I just want to be productive, not in a productive sense looking for a side job and continuing to earn money, NO! Just working 8 hours Monday-Saturday is enough, I can afford that much. If I had to follow Raffi Ahmad, who is said to sleep 3 hours a day, I could die of typhus guys. Haven’t felt the money yet, already bought a shroud first haha.

This year I hope that at least in one month there will be sporting activities because yesterday I finished swimming with my friend so I have my own motivation to routinely do this sports activity. If I don’t have friends to invite, then I can do it myself. Don’t be afraid! Being alone doesn’t make you look pitiful.

Then, because last year my ulcer often recurred and the doctor said my ulcer was acute, at least this year I can smoothly eat on time 3 times a day. I don’t need to force myself to have balanced nutrition or 4 healthy 5 perfect, as much as I can. The important thing is not to be late to eat so the ulcer does not recur. It’s really lazy to meet people in the hospital who are unfriendly, even though actually I really like it when I get Infusion hahahahahah

It’s related to eating, so this year I want to improve my cooking skills and cook more new menus so I can be even more enthusiastic about cooking. Last year I was quite proud of my cooking skills which have started to improve little by little, previously I could only stir-fry now I can make traditional Indonesian dishes without instant seasonings, I was surprised myself with the results hehe. Hopefully this year my cooking skills can be at the next level.

Next, I often read books or if I don’t have money to buy books, I often read English articles on Medium or on Quora, which at least can increase my level of understanding of the English language and broaden my horizons. If I can buy a physical book, that’s good, because it feels very different when reading a physical book than reading on a cellphone, I am much more concentrated on reading a physical book. Which type are you guys?

Oh yeah, because at the end of last year, I started writing on Medium, so I hope this year I can be more diligent in writing, by writing I can relieve stress a little and pour out all my complaints. Because right now I live alone and because my friend’s house is far away, everyone also has their own activities, so writing can at least accompany me in solitude. And thank you very much to all of you who have read, clapped, responded, highlighted, you even added my articles to your reading list, I swear I am very touched, and happy, and feel that there are many people out there who relate to my life. I feel less alone. Thank you guys, for your support.

Maybe one other thing that I have to learn in 2023 is to improve my Excel skills so that my work will run smoother and I can contribute a lot to the company. Because I’ve stuck my Excel skills only on Pivot, Vlookup, Hlookup, If functions, and other basic functions. And I also hope that this year I can be more critical in processing data and as well as being able to confidently explain it to my manager and fellow co-workers. Cheer Up!

Furthermore, the most important thing is to be diligent in worship, this is what is really difficult to be consistent. The world is getting older, the age is also getting older, and the sins are getting more, but it’s still not consistent in worship. I don’t deserve to go to heaven but I’m not strong enough to go to hell huhu. Hopefully this year there will be no more reason to delay worship.

That’s it, I think it’s more than enough for this 2023 resolution. I hope there is at least some progress over last year. And of course, the most important thing is thanks for trying your best and still alive.


